Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Cantroblog

Is it mean of me to make this?

Oh, and contributions are very much welcome.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bands I listen to that almost no one else I know listens to

  1. Scouting for Girls - These days, it's all about emo/senti alternative. So, when I heard this song on the radio, I thought to myself "ZOMG this is different!" So I went and got the whole album, and, upon finding it to be made of awsum (bright, happy piano-driven awsum, to be exact), made it one of my most-played albums on iTunes.
  2. Lucky Soul - This may not be readily apparent, but I appreciate oldies(?) music. The sort that Michael Buble goes around singing now. I've also started leaning towards indie this year. So when you mix both, it gets an instant thumbs-up from me. Here's their first song that I heard.
  3. Flight of the Conchords - Everyone needs a laugh. These guys give it to you, in a deadpan-with-acoustic-guitars fashion. And they give fresh laughs, too. Watch their show and you'll see what I mean. Favorite song of theirs.
  4. New Radicals - The 90's are good. While they may not seem to be as full of classics as previous decades, I personally think it's just a matter of time until they get recognized as such too. This band is one of the biggest reasons for my opinion (along with Eraserheads, lol). They may only have done one album, but it's the sort of album that has no weak tracks at all. Right up there with Scouting For Girls (see #1) on my iTunes. Here's a sample.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Inspired by something Castro said during Chem.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Pelicola teaser

Featuring Johnoy & Kakoy. Here.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hit me harder than anything else, ever.

I’ve learned in my lifetime so far that you can’t help who you fall for and no matter how hard you try and how much it hurts you everyday that you just wanna be with them or just talk to them you never stop trying to make them happy by the little things you say or do because thats what makes your life worth going on for.